Friday, May 29, 2009

Almost-the-weekend Creative

Friday Fill-Ins #126 we go!

1. It's cold and creamy and absolutely luscious to the taste. Icecream!! I'm definitely my father's daughter...I LOVE icecream!

2. Mmmmm! Fresh from the garden tomatoes. I'll have to steal some from Dad's garden this year...we didn't plant anything as we don't own the house and there is no place for a garden...unless we tear up some lawn.

3. My favorite health and beauty product is my new BE makeup and the shampoo/conditioner I buy from Heather's salon. BE is awesome - so fast, simple and great coverage without looking heavy. And my conditioner? Smells divine! Love that peppermint scent to help me wake up in the morning.

4. Going to Utah would be a nice long ride. I need to make plans to get down there. Soon!

5. Well, first of all I need about 24 more hours in my day. I would love to be able to turn everybody else off for awhile so I could run around getting stuff done!

6. Max and Mason, Kobe and Ely, Macy, Parker, Jackson and Samantha; those were the cast of characters in a recent dream and it was wild and crazy get-together of all the little Stott cousins!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending the day at Dad's helping him clean out some rooms and a BBQ at our friends the Taylors' home, tomorrow my plans include heading over to the Tri-Cities again to celebrate Macy's 5th birthday and Sunday, I want to finish the book I've been reading!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Friday, May 22, 2009

Park + Water = pure joy for boys

We chaperoned a little outing for the Swinging Singers today, a group that Micah and Mitchell have participated in since the beginning of the semester. Their music teacher is out of this world! I wish I could just keep her as the kids move up and on. Micah has also played in her audition-only Rockin' Rhythms and I am ready to cry at the thought that he can't be part of it as he moves on to junior high. I am, unfortunately, not particularly impressed with the band teacher there...

A few pictures from our adventures today...

Friday Fill-Ins #125 we go!

1. Moving is a great way to get rid of all the extra "stuff" that encroaches on our lives. Not sure if I want to do it again so soon, but we have been looking at options besides the house we're renting now. We'll see. I was absolutely appalled when our little city voted down a bond to help the three public schools located here. The elementary school is a health hazard and I'm worried for Max starting kindergarten there in the fall. We could move into Walla Walla and have a few more options...

2. The current government really scares me and I think Americans are going to find they are a lot less free. The more the government intervenes in our daily lives, businesses, etc., the less freedom we enjoy.

3. My best quality is my nurturing nature. I was born to be a mom!

4. The difference between a good scrapbook page and a great one is in the details.

5. In nearly 10 years, we have lived on both coasts...and a couple places in the middle. I have attended 5 graduations for my husband. We have accumulated more school debt than a lot of people spend on their houses. I have moved away from countless friends and neighbors too many times. I have "settled" in a city close to home, but wonder sometimes if it is the right place for us. I have been sad, lonely, excited, nervous, devastated...but mostly happy and full of joy.

6. A little kick in the pants is what I need right now! Weight loss is stalled and I'm not very motivated to do much about it.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a trip to the temple with Michael, tomorrow my plans include lots of prep work for the Stake dance our ward is hosting and Sunday, I want to relax a bit since I finally have an advisor for my Laurel class!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Long time, no blog...

Life is busy. Hectic, even. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't in charge. I crave a little behind-the-scenes action where I can do my bit but not have it all rest on my shoulders.

Not going to happen in any near future I can see, so I'm just trying to go with the flow.

I did get a chance to do some creating this weekend while ALL the boys went camping with Michael. LOVE Father/Son campouts....and the fact that Michael is willing to take all five boys. McKelle and I went out for dinner, splurged on a little icecream at Dairy Queen, and thoroughly enjoyed the high school drama department's presentation of "Little Woman: the Musical." So very well done! And even more fun because a couple of my Young Women were cast members.

My weekend creative:

Friday, May 08, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins #123

1. Apples are to oranges as construction paper is to Bazzill (scrapbookers will understand!)

2. 40 is the new 20 and that's all I have to say about that.

3. I think I hear little boys who keep singing "you're forty, you're oldie..."

4. The boys and I watch for flags on the big sprinklers as we travel to the Tri-Cities. Lots of farmers have them flying on their big crop circle sprinklers.

5. Do what you want to do, but remember, there are always consequences for your actions. They may be here and now consequences or they may find you later....but they will always catch up with you.

6. Max headed for the lake and behind him was a Radio Flyer wagon; in the wagon was a bucket filled with rocks. (I sure miss our lake and all the rock throwing that went on there!)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending my birthday sitting on the bleachers at McKelle's track meet, tomorrow my plans include the Walla Walla Balloon Stampede at 6:30am, clean-up of this summer's Girls' Camp site and hopefully, a belated birthday date with Michael and Sunday, I want to spend a moment with my Mom on Mother's Day for the first time in 18 years!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, May 04, 2009

Manic Monday meme #166

Which household chore do you dislike the most?
Anyone who knows me or has peeked into my house/apartment/abode over the years will know that laundry is the bane of my existence! When I was in college (and had to trek to a laundromat!) I would buy new underwear rather than do my laundry. My mom came down to visit and I think she found 50 pairs in my bedroom!
And now, laundry for EIGHT people!! What the heck was I thinking??

What's the best museum you've ever visited?
I haven't had the privilege of going to many museums, but we definitely enjoyed the Franklin Institute in Philadephia. And the Please Touch Museum was a fabulous day out for a mom of four under five at the time!

It's Star Wars Day today. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies. What "common" movies haven't you seen?
Pretty much anything rated R. We don't watch them - we were counseled by the Prophet of our church several years ago that movies with an R rating were not something we should see, so...we don't. The last few years, it seems like almost every movie in Oscar contention is rated R, so there are many "common" movies I have never seen.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins #122

#122 we go!

1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is smile (actually, I have no idea. Haven't worked in an office in almost 15 years. But the smiling works at home, so it might just do some good at the office.)

2. I will not eat clams. I did, however, work at a restaurant during college summers that sold big bowls of clams. Holy cow, those trays were heavy!

3. When I think of carnivals I think of stomach-dropping Midway rides. Love 'em!

4. Gerbera daisies are my favorite spring flower.

5. Things on my desk include my computer, keyboard and mouse. The printer, a Costco magazine, two pencil jars and the main telephone. One BHG magazine and Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD, which I have yet to open.

6. Warm sunshine pouring in my windows makes me wanna find a nice hammock and take a nap. Mason was up four times last night (hurt leg, need a drink, need a stuffed animal and earache) and I am zonked!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to no longer seeing the gray in my hair, tomorrow my plans include a date with Michael...maybe the new Wolverine movie (which will make the boys sooooo jealous) and Sunday, I want to catch up on a little sleep!